Value in price is one of the benefits of shared web hosting. However, there are downsides come along with it too. My blogs are hosted on HostMonster. And I face several DB server down issues lately. I don't have...
I received 10 Innity Performance Network Payment already. But Innity yet to be certified as make money online tool at due to 3 of 10 payments were late. Luckily, this payment was on time. But RM 1.00 was...
Finally, a speed bump was hit on stock market. I had been waiting it to drop since I sold Tanjong PLC on RM21.80 per share buyout offer. And only got the money on 7 October 2010. A very long...
Yeah... Now you see, now you don't. This is what happens to my Innity CPM ads. I 'love' it. There were 3 new CPM ads assigned on 1st November 2010. 2 of them were gone the next day and...
Yup, the 3rd Vibrant In-Text Ads payment is in my Public Bank account now. August Vibrant payment US$ 123.23 turned into RM 373.56 after deducted RM 5.00 processing fee.
This was the lowest Vibrant In-Text Ads payment ever. And I...