“Overhaul of Entrecard Economy“… Did you receive email with this as topic? Why Entrecard want to overhaul its economy? Entrecard did this because it wants to continue operating in the long-term. Do you think so?
Anyway, I stopped using Entrecard since Entrecard deleted my account unprofessionally. Entrecard did several changes that will definitely stop me from using it now.
1. Buy credits for less: Entrecard is now selling 1,000 credits for $6.00.
Entrecard is selling too high in the first place.
2. More pricing increments: Instead of prices doubling every time, there are now a few more steps.
Who care? I am fine as long as the price is good.
3. Members are not allowed to sell credits: This goes for ebay sales, posts in the Marketing forum, and posts on other forums. If you have references on your site to the sale of credits, please remove them immediately, as it is now against our terms.
I knew this will happen. Entrecard team cannot sell its credit while you are selling cheaper than them.
4. Credit transfer limits: Members are allowed to make a maximum of 14 credit transfers a week, up to a maximum of 1,000 credits, whichever comes first.
Is 1,000 credits per week is enough for you?
5. Transfer tax: From now on, all transfers, including transfers made with our new payments API, will be taxed at a rate of 12.5%. The taxed credits will be sold to members.
I said so. Entrecard team wants to earn more.
6. Blogs cannot be unlinked: Once you link a blog, it’s there for good unless you ask us to delete the blog from your account. This prevents linking/unlinking to get around the credit transfer limits, and it also stops you losing access to a blog if you unlink it in error, which happens a lot.
Oh, what is this about? Too many accounts for each blogger?
7. No more coupons: You are no longer allowed to send coupons.
More functions are taken away…
8. Shop closed: Except for Entrecard upgrades (Featured Status, Fast Pass) the Entrecard Shop is now offline until further notice. Please do not request a seller token until the shop returns. When it comes back, it will be bigger and better. We’ll communicate more details nearer the time.
Will it come back?
Normally, when any company does changes. They will make it better. However, do you think Entrecard team did a right choice by implementing these changes?