4th Blogads PayPal payment received
Yeah... I love advertising company which pay on time. Blogads gave me the 4th payment today. Too bad that USD is getting weaker each day. And make the earning lower too...
7th Blogads PayPal payment received
Hmm... Blogads payment is 1 month delay. Must be the advertiser that delaying the payment. Luckily, USD is going up a little bit from the lowest point. Anyway, PayPal money is...
8th Blogads PayPal payment received
Oh, I was wrong. It is not advertiser fault but Blogads that forgot to pay bloggers. Glad that Blogads managed to catch up the delay payment. So here you are ~...
9th Blogads PayPal payment received
One more to go for Blogads to be certified. And the loyal advertiser ~ Crucial finally increased my Blogads payment this month. Will get the increased payment on August. Yeah...
Blogads April...
6th Blogads PayPal payment received
Money money come... Everyone needs money to live. Without it, we can't do anything. Food, clothes, house, car... Everything needs money to buy. And finding the easiest way to earn money...