Time Investment ~ Make your income 10x more

Study is one of the most important stuff in our life. We cannot survive without study in this challenging world. Therefore, I picked a book ~ 时间投资法 to read. It is...

Speed up Streamyx connection with proxy server

Suck with TM Net Streamyx connection speed? It is way too slow? No worry. Here is a little help that can improve the Internet connection speed. Set HTTP Proxy on your browser...

Best Malaysia bank to deposit US cheque

I got the best Malaysia bank to deposit US cheque rate from LowYat website. Hong Leong Bank: RM50 + RM10 (courier) + USD75 (Citibank Delaware) Maybank:: RM25 + USD10 0.1% of the cheque (min: RM25.00,...

Yeah… I am in top 100 Malaysian blogs

Yup. Jayce Ooi's Paradise manages to get itself to top 50 of top 100 Malaysian blogs. It is a list of blogs comes out by Adi Wong. You can check out...

Get Paid at $75! with Kontera Domestic ACH payment

Yeah... I received an email from Kontera. I can get pay at $75 when I select Domestic ACH payment. But I cannot find Domestic ACH payment in my account payment setting....