Get Paid at $75! with Kontera Domestic ACH payment

Yeah… I received an email from Kontera. I can get pay at $75 when I select Domestic ACH payment. But I cannot find Domestic ACH payment in my account payment setting. Wish that Kontera able to give the same benefit to PayPal payment too. I might switch back to Kontera from Infolinks then. I have around USD 40 in Kontera if not mistaken. Kontera does not allow me to check back more than 6 months earning. 🙁

Kontera earning

I could not stop myself from testing Kontera again when I see low performing earning from Infolinks. Therefore, I tested for 2-3 days. How is the result? Bad…

Infolinks earning

Staying with Infolinks is a right choice to make. I can get more than USD 1.00 per day with Infolinks while I did not get it with Kontera after using it for more than 6 months.

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