Yup, I knew this will be happened since I left Intel. Intel delayed its smartphone chip again and again. Smartphone is the fastest growing gadget nowadays compare to desktop or laptop. Tablet is another rising star thanks to Apple iPad. Year 2011 is the year for tablet and smartphone. Luckily, Intel will manage (hopefully) to come out its tablet chip then. Else it cannot gain any market share at all == stock flat / down.
INTC stock performance for the past 1 year (increased 8 percent only)
Goldman Sachs says avoid Intel ~ neutral rating with $20 price target. (link). Why? Most of the smartphone and tablet market are owned by ARM. It will get stronger when Google Chrome OS come out. You will see netbook and laptop powered by ARM then. Intel needs to work fast and skip most of its slow and many business processes. And stop buying ‘useless’ companies. Else I cannot sell my INTC stock in year 2011 with target price $24…