Home Blog Page 17
Sumatec is the first junk stock that I bought when I started to trade. And I am still holding it now. Hmm... I should sell it 2 months ago when it issued right. Why? It is listed as PN17...
It is sad to see Nuffnang go away from the certified make money tool list. Nuffnang served me well for the past 3 years. I stopped publishing Nuffnang Ads on JayceOoi.com after slow Nuffnang Ads loading issue. And moved...
One more... One more... Here is the 9th Vibrant payment that I got. And it included $500 referral fee (500K - 1M page views) with it. Lesser than I initially thought because my friend's website HongKiat.com has 4 million page...
FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI 30 Index Components are the must know for those who invest unit trust or FKLI in Malaysia. You will have a better market view if you know these companies' stock performance. FBM KLCI 30 Index Components ...
NASDAQ: INTC is the only US stock that I have. I owned it before I left Intel. And I set for sell at $24 (granted price) but it never reaches after 1 year. Should I keep the selling price...