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Lot of people is connected through Facebook. I saw my ex-colleagues playing Facebook games during office hour last time. And social networking with it. They can't live without Facebook. So it is good to use Facebook as a marketing...
Yeah... Received Vibrant September payment US$ 257.51 (RM 797.92) after deducted RM 5.00 processing fee. Its earning is getting better and better. Hmm... Maybe it is due to lot of advertisers in Q4. Hopefully, it can continue to perform...
Google AdSense is the best CPC ads out there. It offers several advertisement formats such as Text Ads, Image Ads, Video Ads, Link Units, Referral Buttons and Flash Ads. A question that comes to me since I joined Google...
Based on past years experience, Q4 is the best quarter for Internet earning. No more 13th month bonus when I was employed. So increasing earning in Q4 is like the bonus for me. And congrats to Google AdSense and...
LinkWithin was the previous WordPress related posts with thumbnails plugin that I used long time ago. It is working great but it uses its own server to manage those related posts. And causing Google Analytics data with widget.linkwithin.com as...