Do you know that where does our money from EPF invest into? Here is the list of top 30 equity investments listed on Bursa Malaysia by Employees Provident Fund Malaysia as at 30 June 2010.
% Holdings
Msian Building Society Bhd
I want to get myself a Panasonic HDC-TM700K High Definition Camcorder. I can get it from B&H Photo Video Pro Audio which import from US. Or get it locally in Malaysia. The US version is 1920 x 1080p x...
I receive lot of spam comments lately. They managed to slip through Akismet spam filtering. Something likes "I would prefer Infolinks over Kontera because they pay much better." Hmm... Did Infolinks have something to do with it?
Spam comments
Got these...
Interesting... Just after 1 day implementation of Google Custom Search and linked with AdSense for Search. I got some earning from there.
AdSense for Search
Will monitor the earning. Hopefully, the estimated earning will be the finalized one. And continue to...
Search... Search... Search... We cannot live without searching in this information edge that full with lot of precious information. Google search engine is the best out there. I wish to integrate it into WordPress long time ago due to...