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Oops... I was wrong. Innity managed to pay April cheque on time. This is the 7th 5th payment from Innity. Too bad, the last 2 payment was late and cannot be counted for SP Blogger’s Certified Make Money Tool....
My previous post about largest payment from Google AdSense was on June 2009. I did get larger amount of Google AdSense payment after that but I forgot to post it. Well, here you are. The latest and greatest Google...
I love receive payment. Everyone does, right? Here is my 5th PayPal payment from Infolinks. And can't wait for the next one which almost double this. ;) Infolinks April 2010 Payment
Paid within 45 days? Nope. Innity does not fulfill this commitment anymore. Innity delayed February payment. And it did it again on March payment. No doubt that April payment is going to be delayed again... Innity March payment Ouch... Innity...
Sorry for the delay... I was waiting for Google AdSense to update the finalised earning and get the payment in progress date (which is today). Google deducted US$ 17.12 on finalised earning from the estimated earning. But it is...