How much AskPrice to be set at ADSDAQ?

ADSDAQ is good with its AskPrice. However, how much AskPrice should you set in order to get the maximum out from ADSDAQ. By the way, AskPrice has another feature too. It will show backup ads when ADSDAQ ads fill rate is over. For example, I have ADSDAQ ads as the primary ads. Google AdSense ads act as backup ads. If ADSDAQ fill rate is over, it will shop up Google AdSense ads.


Okay, so how much AskPrice should we set? Different ads size has different fill rate. For example, Ad Tag Size – 300×250 has the best value. When you set AskPrice = $1.00 CPM for 300×250 Ad, you will get around 20% to 50% of your ad impressions.

As for Ad Tag Size – 160×600 with AskPrice $1.00 CPM will have 15% to 30% of your ad impressions.

Ad Tag Size – 728×90 has the lowest value as it will have 10% to 30% of your ad impressions with $1.00 CPM AskPrice.

There is no exact AskPrice that you can follow. The lower AskPrice you set, the more impressions you will get. However, the more ADSDAQ ad impressions, the less backup ad impressions will shop up. Therefore, you need to balance between ADSDAQ ads and your backup ads.