Add more ads to improve earning?

Low earning? Not enough income from blog? Just add more advertisements to improve blog earning, right? I was so lucky to be invited to optimize my website with Google AdSense experts in...

Chitika earning is way to low for CPC ads

Is Chitika a good CPC ads replacement for Google AdSense? A big NO. Tested Chitika for 1 month on Placed Chitika advertisement at the same place as Google AdSense. Tried...

Best way to kill a blog ~ Do nothing!

Err... Busy with lately. Almost put all the time and effort there. And did not study much on stock market at all. Therefore, did not update at all for...

Google Panda ‘kill’ pro blogger?

Google Panda... You won't be unfamiliar with Google Panda if you are a blogger who focus much on blog traffic. Google implemented new search algorithm called Google Panda back in end...

Blogger’s location is important

Err... Why other bloggers with much lesser traffic can get product to review? Not me with much higher traffic? Some of them only got 1/10 of my traffic and still selected...