6th Google AdSense payment using Western Union

6th Google AdSense payment? Are you sure? Wow… I don’t believe that I still manage to get Google AdSense payment on monthly basis. Thanks to all my fellow readers. Without all of you, I am nothing.

As usual, I get my Google AdSense payment using Western Union. And I used Public Bank Western Union service to withdraw it this morning. The Public Bank staff who served me for the pass 3 times finally asked me, “What is this payment? How do you get it?” This is the power of blogging! You get pay when you blog.

6th Google AdSense payment

Hmm… My Google AdSense earning for October is lesser than this one. Just reach USD 109 today. Left 3 days more to go. Hopefully, it can pass USD 120. Need to work hard to earn more. Cannot be lazy anymore. Need to work… Work… Work…