Thanks Advertlets for its first cheque to

Finally, my first Advertlets cheque arrived on 15 May 2008. Need no more words to explain. Here is the cheque. My very first Advertlets cheque

Who is Josh Lim?

For those who sign up with Advertlets... You should know who Josh Lim is. He is the CEO of Advertlets. Yes, the man that give you all the Ad on your... – Sun after the rains…

Continued from - The lies continue… People make mistake. We are human. Who does not make any mistake before? He... He... And if we done something wrong. Just say sorry... – The lies continue…

Continued from - Beware of this online advertising company I have no faith on and Josh Lim from now on. Why? Read the email from by Advertlets Support on Sat,... – Beware of this online advertising company

Firstly, I am very disappointed with and the owner, Josh Lim. Therefore, I have this article to express my feeling. Hmm... I really don't want to post this. But he...