revisited ~ better than before?

An Anonymous commented that I did something wrong in He said that he could get 165 results while I got 1 only. I retested and still got 1 result back....

Does your blog keep fit?

Blog also can keep fit? Yup. That's what I do last few weeks. I am optimizing the blog layout in order to give better look for readers and revenue for me....

Download WordPress related post plugin

WordPress related post plugin... This is a plugin that I should install back in 2 years++ ago. The theme that I use cannot work properly with WordPress related post plugin. And...

Increase Google Webmaster Tools crawl rate

Do you change Google Webmaster Tools crawl rate? Increase or decrease its speed? Don't increase it if you don't have fast web server like the one that I use ~ HostMonster....

Submit URL to Google, Yahoo and Live Search Engines

Submit URL to Google, Yahoo and Live. Yup, remember to submit your new website or blog URL to search engine like Google, Yahoo and Live. It is a must for new...