226 Output truncated to 2000 matches

226 Output truncated to 2000 matches... This was what I got when I was trying to backup my blogs files before upgrade to WordPress 2.8. I have a folder that contains...

How to block WordPress spam comments?

I receive lot of spam comments lately. They managed to slip through Akismet spam filtering. Something likes "I would prefer Infolinks over Kontera because they pay much better." Hmm... Did Infolinks...

Fix WordPress Flash uploader is not working with Adobe Flash 10

WordPress Flash uploader is not working with Adobe Flash 10. I faced this problem when I upgrade Adobe Flash 9 to version 10. When I want to upload picture with WordPress...

phpBB ~ A must install patch phpBB 3.0.5

I have been using phpBB forum engine at Forum at JayceOoi.com for quite sometime. However, it did not behave well lately. A lot of spam user registered and left message. Why...

How to speed up WordPress blog with W3 Total Cache?

As I said, HostMonster and Bluehost are famous with CPU Throttling. Therefore, a WordPress cache plugin is a must installed on their hosting. My account got suspended even I am using...